New registrations will to be accepted starting Monday, January 6 for students wishing to enroll in grades 9 to 12 for the 2025/26 school year and for any students wishing to enroll in grade 8 who do not currently attend one of our six elementary feeder schools. We will be accepting registrations for both students who live in our catchment area and out-of-catchment students. We strongly encourage registrations to be sent electronically per the instructions below. All registrations must have all of the required paperwork in order for them to be considered complete and in order for students to be placed on our waiting list. Registrations received after February 15, 2025 may not have a placement in your catchment school as a result of space limitations – please register as soon as possible. All registrations must include the following documentation:
- Completed District Registration Form: Student Registration Form
- Verification of Child’s Birthdate (one of the following):
Birth Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship, Secure Certificate of Indian Status, Court Order, Canadian Passport, PR Card, Canada Immigration Documents, or another Government-issued document - Proof of Guardian’s Citizenship (one of the following):
Birth Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship, Certificate of Indian Status, Canada Immigration Documents, Passport, PR Card (or confirmation of Permanent Residency), or Nexus card with citizenship listed as Canadian - Proof of Residency (Provide below showing the same name and residence address on registration form):
One of:
Subject-Free Home Purchase Contract, Mortgage Statement, Municipal Tax Bill, or Rental Agreement/Letter from Landlord
And one of:
BC Driver’s License, BC Services Card, BC Vehicle Registration, BCID, Canadian Bank Account or Credit Card Statement, Insurance Statements or Policies, Income Tax Statement, Utility Bill, Employment Pay Slip, or other legal or government-issued documents indicating BC residence - Evidence of Guardianship (At time of registration, evidence of guardianship must be shown by producing photo ID and legal documentation of guardianship such as, but not limited to):
Birth Certificate with Parent name, Income Tax Statement (children are declared), Immigration Documents, Court Order, or Child in Care documentation - Most current Report Card from last school
- A signed cross-boundary form for out-of-catchment students Cross Boundary Request Form
Please scan and email ALL your required documents to Ms. Chorney at cchorney@sd35.bc.ca. In-catchment students will be processed starting in late February and early March. Families will be sent welcome messages as they are accepted with course request information. Out-of-catchment students will be added to the out-of-catchment waiting list on a first-come, first-serve basis starting on January 6/25. Out-of-catchment registrants WILL NOT be contacted until the beginning of July at the earliest and should be registering in their catchment or current school as there is no guarantee that we will be able to take any out-of-catchment students for the 2025-26 school year.
Parents who are new to the Langley School District and NOT Canadian citizens (PR card, refugee status, claimant refugee status and Work/Study Permit) are all required to register in person through the Langley School Board office at any time of the year.
If you have any questions about the registration process, you can find details on the School District website or contact the school at 604-882-0220.
Additional registration documents such as course selection forms and forms for specific programs are available under the “Student Life” tab or “Counselling” tab.
Course Planning Guides and Course Planning forms can be found under Student Life/Course Guide and Forms